We are really thrilled that one of our favourite ever authors, SF Said, will be joining us at the shop on 30th November after a day of school events. Many schools look at both Varjak Paw and The Outlaw Varjak Paw in yours 3,4 and 5, and his third novel, Phoenix, is a favourite of adults and children alike. Look out in the shop for more information about timing – or why not join our mailing list for email notice of this and other book signings! Just call is on 01926 855 784 to join our mailing list.

Take a look at the website of author SF Said, and read his regular blogs.
http://www.sfsaid.com/ Author SF Said is also very active on twitter, and campaigns tireless to better representation of children’s book in the British print media – only about 3% of book reviews published in newspapers and magazine cover children’s books; but it is children’s books that are the fastest growing, and single biggest part of the book-market. He also works hard to support libraries, both public libraries and school libraries. So why not find him on Twitter @WhatSFSaid and join in the conversation?