We were delighted to be joined by TV set designer and Mural Artist, Rebecca Morton who worked with us to create a window-mural together with as many of the people of Kenilworth as we could fit into the shop at one time! We has entre families joining in, plenty adults-who-should-know-better and groups of teens popping in to help!
Rebecca Morton recently illustrated a book printed in the newly-designed Lexie-Mouse font, which makes reading easier for Dyslexic readers. Muriel’s Murals is a fun and anarchic story that will amuse readers of all ages! And we’ve had an amazing response to the new font from the dyslexic readers and school support staff, so come in and have a look at these wonderful books!
We also invited dyslexic Radio Presenter, Kirk Pickstone to join us and broadcast his show live from the shop while we were creating our mural. He spoke to our bookseller, Tamsin Rosewell about her experiences of struggling to read at school, and also about how we go about supporting dyslexic readers today. He then interviewed Rebecca Morton too, who told him all about the delightful and vibrant world of Muriel and her magical Mural work.