A one-day adult workshop in needle felting – make a fox!

As part of Kenilworth Arts Festival, on Friday 22st September, Karin Celestine of Celestine and the Hare will be running a one day needle felting workshop for adults, in which you can make yourself a beautiful fox. Karin made the fox in the photo above for our very own bookshop tribe – his name is Kitsune – have a think about what sort of fox yours will be! You don’t need experience to do this – we’ve had many adults come to the class who can’t knit or sew but still who leave with a beautiful little creature that they have made for themselves. There are only eight spaces on this workshop so book quickly – you need to book it through the Celestine and the Hare website (link below). This workshop takes place in Leek Wootton, it runs from 10am until 4pm that day. If you get the needle felting bug there will e little kits available to buy at the workshop too so you can make another creature at home. You’ll need to bring your own lunch, but there is free tea and coffee and yummy cakes provided. The cost of the workshop is £78 which includes all materials needed. You can read all the details, book yourself a place and have a look at more of Karin’s work on her website: https://www.celestineandthehare.com/product-page/needle-felt-a-fox-workshop