Coaching in Education: Getting Better Results for Students, Educators and Parents, edited by Christain van Nieuwerburgh


ISBN: 9781780490793

Coaching in Education: Getting Better Results for Students, Educators and Parents will support educational organisations in learning more about the current interest in coaching approaches within schools, colleges and universities. With chapters on coaching in primary schools and secondary schools, with students, staff and parents, this book provides a sound basis for introducing coaching into any educational setting. This book brings together the latest national and international academic research with real case studies and a focus on practice that makes a difference for learners.

Edited by leading expert Christian van Nieuwerburgh who is doing at talk at the bookshop on 5th October 2023. More information here.

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Starting with a review of the existing literature and research into the area of coaching in education, the book goes on to consider the role of coaching educational leaders, coaching within the primary school setting and then secondary school settings. The notion of “mental toughness” and its relationship to coaching is also explored. The US and Australian perspectives on coaching in education are discussed in two chapters written by leading experts – instructional coaching in the US and the integration of positive and coaching psychology in Australia.