by Marcus Sedgwick and Thomas Taylor Scarlett Hart is the orphaned daughter of two renowned monster hunters, and she is determined to carry on in their footsteps. In Scarlett’s world the Barguest skulks in the disused mineshaft, sea monsters lurk...
An Independent Bookseller’s view of the sale and the future of Waterstones With the planned sale of Waterstones reaching the headlines of the country’s business news, the whole book industry now needs to look up, down a strong coffee and take some notice....
Fish Boy by Chloe Daykin, with illustrations by Richard Jones Every now and then you read a book that is quite unlike anything else you’ve read. In Fish Boy we meet Billy, a young boy who is lonely and struggling to make friends at school; his great obsession is...
Gaslight is the second novel by Eloise Williams, and it is a proper cracker of a story, a hugely exciting gas-lit romp through seedy Victorian theatre life. It is beautifully written, with both atmosphere and elegance, well-researched – and totally...
Ghosts of Shanghai and Shadow of the Yangtze by Julian Sedgwick Last year every other book that came into the shop seemed to have the word ‘Girl’ in the title. This year we have been inundated with books called ‘The (something) Wife’. When so many books in young adult...
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